Saturday 12 July 2014

The Bubby Traveler

            It is no secret that I have an undivided love of both sparkling wine and traveling. Arrivals in destinations are often met with tired excitement. A crisp bottle of sparking something usually does the trick of cementing my excitement and removing my urge to lay face first on the hotel bed.

  A trip to Europe in 2010 was the beginning of a beautiful tradition: finally arrive at your destination and celebrate with a bottle of bubbly. This tradition died in Bermuda and Chile but was revived in Costa Rica. Costa Rica was undoubtedly appreciated and remembered the most. I choose to conclude that this is a result of the celebratory nature of the almighty bubbly. Its ability to provoke recognition and appreciation for my arrival to a new land and the adventure that waits.

I am endeavoring to continue this bottle popping tradition on my newest adventure. In July 2014, I will be traveling through Europe’s Mediterranean (with a week stop over to Morocco). Conditions permitting, I will be documenting my bubbly adventures, opening a new bottle per city arrival. 

Some brief notes:

  • Whenever possible, I will be drinking sparkling wines from the country, region or city I arrive in and weighing in on my love (or unlikely dislike) of them.
  • I am not a sparkling wine, prosecco or champagne (if I somehow end up in Champagne, France) expert. My opinions will be personal.
  • I will typically be popping bottles under $30 Canadian. 
  • I don’t condone drinking an entire bottle independently - I split the bubbly with my traveling companion/s. 
  • On occasion, I may stray from the champagne, sparkling wine and prosecco varieties to explore other bubbly beverages. They may not go “pop” when the bottle opens but when I arrive in Belgium I'll probably be heading straight for a really yummy beer!

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